Don't you just LOVE bowling shoes!? That's a Sam Adams sitting there, with my name on it!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I Love the City!
Getting to Know You...Christmas Edition
Welcome to the Christmas edition of getting to know your friends! Here's what you're supposed to do, and try not to be a SCROOGE! Change all the answers so that they apply to you.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Man, I used to wrap gifts so beautifully and perfectly! I learned how to wrap amazingly the one year that I wrapped for Neiman Marcus... THAT was a great holiday job! Now, I just do my best and get it done fast and I do a combination of wrap and bag. Someday I will get back to perfect seams, double sided tape and wire ribbon...maybe when my kids are 20!
2. Real tree or artificial? Difficult subject in our house this year. We got an artificial tree and I am still mourning the loss of the real tree. I miss the smell, but not the dead and brown drooping branches and forgeting to water it.
3. When do you put up the tree? When I was a kid, it was the weekend closest to the 15th because of my brothers birthday, and we continued that. Then we started doing it earlier because of our Christmas party, and this year we put it up on Thanksgiving weekend. It did not get decorated until the 8th, however!
4. When do you take the tree down? With a real tree, we usually did it a few days after Christmas and waited until New Year's Day if it didn't look like it might burst into flames at any moment, this year it might stay up until Easter. JK
5. Do you like eggnog? Not really, I think that it is GROSS! Whoever came up with that drink, must have alread had quite a few nips of something already.
6. Favorite gift received as a child? My mom always got me (and still does) great things, but I remember a kit to make miniature doll house chairs that was really great! OH! And, my Aunt Jeannette gave me a charm for my charm bracelet and it was shaped like a button and said "Cute as a button!" and I will NEVER forget that!
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes. My cousin Laura made it and it is one of my most cherished posessions.
8. Hardest person to buy for? My Dad, and my Stepdad..... and people who buy themselves whatever they want.
9. Easiest person to buy for? Gavin ... I had to shop more for Ella to balance out the pile!
10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? If it came from the heart, then it was great!
11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail, but there have been a couple of years that I did not send anything out, BOTH after my second child! This year I did a Thanksgivng letter, to get a head start and to remind myself of what the holidays are REALLY about!
12. Favorite Christmas movie? I have to pick a favorite? Um....Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Miracle on 34th Street, Christmas Carol is BIG (especially the Muppet version).
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? I shop all year long, really...If someone says, "I would love to have a ....." I go and buy it, the next day and put it in my secret hoarding spot and put it on my list, so that I don't forget that I have it. I shop while I'm on vacation and then I get the rest of it done during November and December.
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Probably, but only something really nice, to someone that would like it more than me!
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Eat... I eat everything! Fudge! Chocolate! Cookies! Prime Rib and Yorkshire Pudding!
16. White lights or colored on the tree? Gotta be colored... that was part of the reason that it was hard to find an artificial tree. We got one with NO lights and did our own.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Silver Bells and Carol of the Bells... and, well all of em really!
18. Travel for Christmas or stay home? We do our traveling the weekend before and celebrate with my Dad and Stepmom in San Diego, Christmas Eve is with my Mom and Stepdad (both of those are also with my brothers) and then we are HOME on Christmas morning. We go the few blocks to my in-laws house for Christmas dinner.
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Of course, can't everyone?
20. Angel on the treetop or a star? An Angel, it's one that my parents made when I was VERY young and now it is on top of my tree!
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? Oh, wait until the morning!
22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? People who don't have a good attitude and are running around in a panic and being rude and selfish. I try not to drive anywhere in the evening at this time of year because people are crazy!
23. What I love most about Christmas? I love being with my family and having extra time together. I love gingerbread men and snowmen and decorations and lights and the music and wearing a sweater! I love fire places and singing and special meals and lots of treats! I love my husband even more and cherish the sweet memories of our "First Christmas". I love the fact that so many people are celebrating together and enjoying the power that comes from holding Spirit close to our hearts.
Tag you're it: Kate Bono, Valerie Kurtz and Andy Huffaker
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...
Monday, December 3, 2007
Icky Sicky
I was going to blog about my Christmas decorating.. but...this was the more pressing and present issue. Perhaps, tomorrow, since Ella will not be able to go to school and I will not be able to go to work!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Giving Thanks
Thanksgiving was GREAT! We celebrated at Andy's parents house and the Arizona Huffakers (Matt, Rebecca, Noah, Sam and Madelyn) were there with us (along with Jack, Sharon and Great Gramma!). I spent ALL of Wednesday cooking, so that I could just enjoy the fun on Thanksgiving Day. I made the casseroles: Green Bean (poo poo on Martha who thinks this is "not classy"... that might be true but it tastes SOOOO good!), Dressing (it was not put into the bird, so you cannot call it stuffing), Pecan Yams and a Chocolate Pie. I am not a fan of pumpkin and Yes, I have tried it (lots of times). I just don't like it! My Aunt Jeannette makes this AMAZING Chocolate Pie for the holidays and so, now, I too have taken up her tradition! The Yams too have become something of a "signature dish" although I cannot claim rights to them. They were made by a ministerial intern at our church a few years back and they are affectionatly reffered to as "John's Yams" in that circle. Apprently, my brother-in-law Matt just calls them INCREDIBLE. I admit, I have to agree!
Yams are something that I have detested since the first day that my mother scooped up a spoonful from a jar of Gerber's and placed it lovingly into my mouth, only to have it spewed back at her in a mud gyser like fashion! They are simply put, "Gross". However, the year that John made them at our church, I went through the buffet line and found them plopped onto my plate. Of course, I would not eat THOSE, I thought to myself. But, they did have this yummy looking topping made of pecans and brown sugar, so I picked at that a little and when some of the yam came with it, I realized that THIS was no ordinary yam dish! THIS was delicious! I procured the recipie and decided to make them for the holidays. They have been a hit ever since. I will admit that I make mine a bit thinner in the yam department and a bit thicker in the topping, but hey.... they are good!
The Chocolate Pie has been known to dissapear mysteriously from the fridge during the course of the Thanksgiving Day and my Aunt usually makes 6 or so, just to cover that problem. My cousin Laura and I sat gabbing in the motorhome one year and served ourselves a slice, and then a second. Eventually, Laura got up, grabbed the tin and some forks and we finished off an ENTIRE pie. We played dumb when questioned about the missing pie, but I suspect that my aunt figured it out by the chocolate at the corners of our mouths and the bloated, rather green look on our faces! Chocolate Pie also makes a wonderful breakfast the day after Thanksgiving, just serve with a glass of milk!
Thanksgiving was full of activity, with 5 kids running around! Well, Maddie just kind of scoots right now... We did sand paintings, and playdough and the big kids played with Star Wars figures from Andy and Matt's childhood. Andy got a chance to golf with his brother, the boys played Wii, we went to the movies, we bought a Christmas tree, we watched a movie at home -curled up on the couch enjoying fire, we played in the park, took family photos and had a second dinner together! On Sunday, after church, my Aunt Marie came over and we made Christmas Cookies! We decorated until sundown and now have a nice stash of cookies put away in our freezers! Ella even made her very first cookie! It was busy and lots of fun!
Here are the recipies for those two dishes, I hope that you try them and enjoy them as much as we do! ( I would have taken pictures of the dishes, but they were gobbled up pretty quickly!)
Aunt Jeannette's Chocolate Pie
1 pre-baked pie crust
1 small cool whip
Cream together:
1 stick of salted butter
3/4 c. sugar
2 squares of melted unsweetened chocolate (not too hot, make sure it is cool)
1 t. vanilla
2 eggs - ONE at a time, beat for 5 minutes after each egg
Fold in:
1/2 container of cool whip
Pour into shell and refrigerate, serve with remaining cool whip.
(guard with your life...or hide in a closet with a fork and pie, take a napkin and enjoy!)
Pecan Yams
the original recipie made 12-15 servings, and I have cut that down to 6-8...feel free to increase!
1 1/2 c. pecans
1/2 c. brown sugar
3 T. butter
8 T. flour
Put all ingredients into food processor and pulse until even, crumbly consistency. Do not over process. Set aside. (you CAN use a blender for this, or chop nuts and then cut in butter)
32 oz. canned yams with liquid drained off (I think that the can really comes in a 28 oz? just get whatever is's ok to go a little over, or under)
3/4 c. milk
1/2 c. sugar
1 egg
2 T. butter, melted
1/2 t. vanilla
Put yams and milk in processor and blend until smooth. Add additional ingredients and mis until blended. It should resemble thick cake batter. Pour into ungreased 9x9 inch pan and spread topping over the top. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until browned.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
A Happy Dance
Ella did this silly little "Happy Sandwich Dance" and we thought that it might just brighten someones day, it brightened ours!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Clean Freaks
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Trick or Treat
Monday, November 5, 2007
Princess Fantasy and Grand Adventure
Monday, October 29, 2007
For me, Depression creeps in, like a fog bank. At first, you don't notice it, maybe the air gets chilly and you feel like you might need a sweater. Before long, you realize that you cannot see the ground before you and you are not sure if your next step will send you plummeting off of a cliff into the abyss of darkness. Summer for me this year was good. I was very, very Up... high, almost. But I felt the summer wearing me out and draining me. I coasted through September, lifted up momentarily by the updrafts the the first day of school can bring. This month, I am falling. It is getting darker. I started this month, feeling "tired". Not sleepy, but TIRED. Bone tired. I can't even walk across the room tired. I haven't written much during this month, because I could not muster the strength to type the words. Two weeks ago, I was falling asleep at work, falling asleep reading to the kids and falling into bed at 7:30! Exhausted. Last week, I felt the sadness coming and was prone to crying for no particular reason. I knew I was going deeper, but did not have the strength to stop. This weekend I hit the bottom....I did not want to do anything more than lie on the couch, staring at the t.v. I didn't even care if it was on, I didn't feel like pushing the buttons.
As I laid there last night, I thought about the busy week ahead. Today is my birthday, tomorrow we are moving Gramma, Wednesday is Halloween. I do not have the costumes ready and there are other preparations to be made. I decided that I could not afford to stay "on the bottom" and that I would wallow only one more day.
Today, I woke up and showered (always a good way to start) and smiled. I made my bed, and smiled. I helped the kids get ready and we walked to school and I smiled. I talked on the phone and I smiled. I helped Gramma pack and I smiled. I smiled on my face, I smiled in my heart, I smiled in my feet. I tried to "smile in my liver"... Thank you to Liz Gilbert, Author of "Eat, Pray, Love" for that quote. It is working. I am feeling better, I am feeling (semi) alive and although I have not gotten to the "up" place that would cause me to clean out closets all night long, I am up enough that I went to Target, and I am typing. I will be happy with this, for now.
I have never been good with balance. (o.k... stop laughing... I know you are thinking about how often I drop things and spontaneously fall over) I mean in my life. My house is either immaculate or a mess (my room was like this when I was a kid), my laundry is done or piled high, I am cooking major meals everyday or we are eating out every night. I am up, on, going a zillion miles an hour doing a hundred different things, or I am down, off and lying around feeling incapacitated. I have struggled with this for most of my life. I have sought help. I have gone to counseling, I have adjusted my hormones, I have tried some drugs. The drugs just made me lie around not able to care, but deep inside something was screaming, "GET UP...GET GOING...YOU HAVE THINGS TO DO!". I will pull myself up, by my bootstraps and I will get going, back up. I will try not to get so high that the elevation gets to my head and I can't breath. I will try to have some balance.
I have so much to write about and now, maybe I will have the strength to do it. The plumber is here to fix clogged drains, the kids are watching t.v., we are going out to dinner later, so... I think that I will take one half hour to read. Time for me. That is part of finding balance, doing for others and then for me. I know this, but it's not always easy to put into practice. The sun is peeking through my fog and maybe I can get it all to burn off by tomorrow. We'll see, we will see.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
So much to say... So little time
We had a fun weekend. We went to Build a Bear and the children no longer have "naked friends" as they referred to their sadly, un-clad animals. Gavin chose an army outfit and a skateboard (?) and Ella picked out a ballerina dress complete with slippers for her bunny. She noted that the skirt was awfully short and that "Rabbit" should have some panties as well. Who am I to stiffle that kind of modesty?
Saturday, Andy had to work (BOO!) I cleaned out the kids' closet and worked around the house before we headed to my brother's house for a birthday celebration. (his, not mine) Sunday was GREAT! My mom came over and joined us for a visit to the Discovery Center where they had a special exhibit called Spooky Science. It was all about, there were snakes and scorpions ( and pyramids and mummies. Very interesting and very fun!
This week is zipping along and today, Ella did not nap. I hate that. She was cranky and into everything and she is still awake now, at 7:30, even though I know that she is exhausted. She is "reading" books to herself and I am taking a break from her! Andy and Gavin are at piano. I do have some laundry to fold and I really want to organize myself for scrapbooking tomorrow so I guess that I should bid you all, a fond farewell.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Vacation Interupted
The next day was cloudy with lots of thunder rolling in all around us. It was gorgeous with the clouds in every possible shade of blue, gray, and lavender. We went to Convict Lake to fish and have a lovely walk amongst the elms and aspens along the shore of the lake. We had our lunch and headed back to our camp.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Oh, and my house is CLEAN! Ana was here today, she is my cleaning angel....I have never been more grateful to have help with this daunting task.
I was hoping to have more time to write, but... I must leave soon to pick up Gavin at daycare.
I love these times of peace, they give me the strength to get through the times of craziness! Just thinking about tonight and the homework and the dinner and the papers and the baths and the stories and the dishes and the laundry and the projects and the mail... yikes.... I think that I just broke out in hives!
I haven't written because we have been BUSY!!!!! We were hardly home last weekend at all. I went to an all day scrapbooking event, YEAH! I had to leave for 4 hours in the middle of it to do a wedding, BOO. I made money, YEAH! I was the coordinator for the ceremony and the simple cake reception that followed AND I was the photographer! YEAH! The Bride was a princess, BOO and the Mom was Momzilla, BOO. We had a few things go wrong and I really did break out in hives, BOO. In the end, everyone was happy, YEAH.
Sunday we went to church and then to another family's house for dinner. It was really fun and we loved hanging out with them. We stayed too late and nobody went to bed before 9:30.. ugh!
Yesterday was AWESOME... we took Ella to Disneyland... just Ella, while Gavin was at school and we treated her to a Princess Fantasy Day! We did all things girly and princessy (is that a word?) and NO boy things AT ALL! We even went to a special character restaraunt where the princesses come to your table! She loved it and we loved watching her and had a blast!
My time has come to an end and the peace and quiet will soon be replaced by lots of joyous and raucous activity. Ta-ta... enjoy!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
A Fun-Filled Week
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Our vacation, day ???
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Vacation, continues...
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Blog Name Change
I have gotta lotta stuff to talk about, and I am not sure if I can channel it all well enough to get it in here... but... here goes... I'll try to focus. I guess I will write today, about the new name of my blog.
I have been obsessing again... this time, about the name of my blog... I never really liked, "Huffaker Family" since it is really MY blog, about me and my "stuff"... I mean, obviously my family is in it.... but I have seriously been lying awake at night, trying to figure out a better title. "Because I said so" is already taken and so is "You are not the boss of me".... I pondered "Get your toe out of her nose", but that would take a great deal of explanation. In my post that I wrote before I left for my vacation, I mentioned adventure and alluded to the fact that sometimes, this job is not "glamorous" or "romantic", but it is an adventure none the less. I have been reading about Andy's cousin who is riding a bike across the U.S. and I also have a friend who just returned from India where she did some amazing volunteer work. Some of my family just returned from Europe, and some are heading off to Paris in a few weeks. I sometimes feel like I am left behind, like I have left a part of myself behind. The part that used to do stuff like that and who used to have the time and the freedom to travel (if not always the money). I just got an email that compared raising a family to building a temple and that the work is done slowly and it takes a LONG time to see your results, and all of that together, has led to my new title. My journey has been mostly uphill, and I carry a heavy load. I frequently feel as if I cannot take it, I want to quit, put down my pack and head back down the mountain to a day spa and call it "done". The altitude gets to me and I feel lightheaded, out of breath and frankly, sick to my stomach. But I know, that I will reach the summit. I will keep on trekking and sometimes I will have a skilled Sherpa by my side to help me carry my pack and lead the way, and sometimes I will go it alone. Sometimes the maps are good and the way is made clear, and other times, the road is rough, the path is hidden and the overgrowth is impenetrable. I will keep trekking. I will reach the summit. I will see my kids off to school, I will see them graduate from school, I will watch them grow and mature and I will stand on the highest peak and look into the blazing fire of their future and I will smile and I will laugh and feel the pride of having gotten here. I will sit at the top for a while and rest, and then I will begin the next journey, to climb the next peak... that one will most likely be one of self discovery (or self RE-discovery). This is an adventure for sure, one full of struggle, accomplishment, doubt, certainty, fear. love, joy, sorrow, tears, laughter, good days and bad. It is not easy and sometimes, not even enjoyable and then, some days are the best I have ever had and better than I had ever imagined coul be. I will keep trekking, I will keep climbing, sometimes, I may just sit and rest. Thanks for joining me on my journey.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Back to the vacation!
Back in camp, we were able to just hang out and relax a bit. Gavin took Sadie for a walk and Ella played in the dirt, and I read Harry Potter! The next day would be a busy one, so after our evening camp fire, we headed off to bed early so that we could get some rest!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
On the couch
I put on the ice, and the ace bandage and took a fistfull of Advil. I stayed off of it all day and it quickly shrunk from the golf ball sized swelling, to about the size of a bouncy rubber ball. I could not sit at the computer, I could not go to the store, so.... I watched Oprah, and Ace of Cakes, and 20/20 and made lunch, and baked muffins (oops, on my feet too long... )
It is much better today, but it still hurts, especially if I move it the wrong way. But I do not think that we will need to amputate. I am off to ice it some more, before I go to bed.
I should have tried harder to enjoy my "day off", but... gee.... that wasn't really what I had in mind!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Vacation, Day 2
Another turn off was for the Cottonwood Charcoal Kilns. We stopped there when I was a kid and I had been impressed with these large adobe brick buildings. They are egg/dome shaped and when I was a kid, you could go inside of them. After rattling down another gravel road at 9 mph (if we went 10 mph, the motorhome rattled so much, that I thought we might leave part of it behind) we arrived, to find that time (and vandals) have not been kind to the Kilns. Both were broken at the top and there was a large chain link fence around the whole thing. We could look at them, and could even still smell the smoke from inside, even though they have not been used for at least 50 years! They used to cut down cottonwood trees and burn them in these huge ovens until they turned to charcoal, then they used the coal to run the mining machinery in the foothills! I was bummed and felt silly that I had dragged my family out to see this sad sight. I guess that things change and that time and the elements are not kind. We had lunch and headed back, to the Hwy.
Driving through the small town of Indpendence we spotted a funy home that had a small scale old west town in it's front yard. We stopped to ponder such a thing. It looked as if it was built for 3 year olds. Gavin would have been too tall for most of the doors. It seemed to just be "some guys hobby", to build this town in his yard, out of scraps of wood and metal, discarded door handles and auto parts. We drove around to the back where you could see that his ENTIRE yard, was this town! Hmmmmm... I complain about Andy's gardening and mandolin hobby sometimes, but I am glad that he hasn't picked up something as completely wacky as THIS!
Gavin : self portrait