
Monday, July 16, 2007

What AM I thinking?

I have recently gotten 5 emails from busy mom's with Blogs. The first one, brought me to tears, thinking about how much time that mom must have, and staring at the smiling photos, I found myself feeling like a big failure. The second two didn't phase me, I think that I shut down. The last one, inspired me to wonder... what is this Blog thing all about? Maybe I will see for myself. I do not have time for this. I should be putting in a new load of laundry, making a grocery list and creating a menu for the week. My six year old is impatiently waiting for "his turn" on the computer and here I am, typing away.

We'll see... maybe I can eek out a little time (or just give up showering, completely) and maybe I can learn to type while a 2 1/2 year old is hanging from my right arm and a 6 1/2 year old runs shrieking like a demon through the house. Maybe, just maybe.....


Rebecca said...

I'm glad you've joined in the fun! I've been contemplating a blog for a couple of years as i knew a friend at Samuel's mommy & me preschool who did one. I guess I feel a bit disconnected from family and friends who I went from seeing weekly to seeing a few times a year. I'm not sad or depressed, but it seemed like a good way to keep a conversation going with anyone who wishes to read and respond. It's a creative outlet too. I'm taking pictures of crazy things to post on my blog. I'll check in again! Lots of love to you and the fam!

Greg A. Chavez said...

Don't let those other moms pressure you into anything. I have no blog, I have no podcast, I don't share photos, and I'm not even on MySpace or FaceBook. And I don't even have kids! Your photos are great, by the way! Wow, when did Gavin turn six? SIX! And using the computer, no less! Kids today...I tell you.

Jeff said...

Well, I gotta agree with Greg on this one. I also have no blog, podcast, myspace, yahoo account, IM, ms messenger or any of that other crap.