I have gotten some feed back, and apparently I take life way too seriously! One of my greatest attributes is also my greatest downfall... I am driven! I will try harder, to lighten up and to enjoy the good stuff. I know that what you focus on is what you get more of... so... less focus on the bad and more on the good. (which there is LOTS of in our house!)
I am not fighting with Gavin this week, I am sending him directly to time out or to his room. He fights with me and I pray through his tantrum. I pray for peace and understanding, I pray for patience and love. I pray that I won't strangle him ( ; ... for those of you concerned, that WAS a joke!
Today, we are taking it easy. I slept in (gasp!) and I am still in my pajamas! The kids played with Legos (and I played too) and are watching "Little Bear". We had breakfast and enjoyed hanging out together! After I finish this entry I am going to get ready for the day... I have bills to pay and I am thankful that there is money to do that with. I have paperwork to go through and I am thankful that I have time to do it! The kids do have swim lessons later, but that is the only thing that we are going to do today! I am even going to cook a real dinner!
I am off to enjoy my day.. and I hope that you will find a way to do the same!
I don't view your blog in any way other than reading up on what's going on in your life! We all have downer days, I've been having them almost daily. I think I'm just tired of constantly using my voice to punish and correct the kids...so by the end of the day I am trying to forget about any negative attitudes that have taken over my day and see what good came out of it all. If you want to vent...go for it! It makes me feel good knowing that I'm not the only one feeling the same way.
I also don't view your blog in any way, except to keep up on what's going on in your life. We all have our days. Mine is every day, but that's a whole other story. Our blogs are supposed to be whatever we want them to be. Feel free to say whatever you need to. Sometimes its better to vent by blog or paper than to someone directly.
Thanks! That helps! I don't really know what is going on with me right now, but it's not so good! I feel unbearably sad and then angry...
I'm sure that is just a season, and that it will pass...but it feels like a LONG winter, and I'm ready to see the sun again!
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