
Friday, May 23, 2008

Me? Busy? What would make you say that?

Noramally, I would have put text between the photos, but blogger decided to display only the html for the pics and not the pics themselves and I couldn't figure out where to type. Well, I COULD have figured it out, but didn't feel like it!
We had a busy week! I realized that I STILL have not posted about our camping trip two weeks ago...and....the kitchen IS done. Andy finished it while I was gone scrapbooking... I will post about that this weekend!

Gavin played his last baseball game on Tuesday and not only got on base EVERY time he went up to bat but he also tagged two kids out in one play (is that called a double play?) What a dunce I am sometimes! Unfortunately, I did not get to see all of this, because in the middle of the game, Ella had to go potty and it was not good. She has had tummy troubles this week and we have not ventured to far from a potty. I left work early yesterday so that Andy and I could split the child care duties for the day, he took the a.m. and I took the p.m.

I got to go with Gavin on a special field trip on Wednesday (while Andy stayed home with Ella). Gavin participated in a special program called, "Reflections" at school. It is an art program and he did a drawing to represent the theme, "I can make a difference..." His work was done in crayon and was a scene about recycling and taking care of the earth. Anyway, the lower graders who participated got to go on a special field trip to the Norton Simon museum of art! It is a place that I have been wanting to take him, so I jumped at the chance to chaperone! I did not have to drive, but got to ride with my friend Martha and 6 kids. We split off from the group, (there we 26 kids all together) and toured the museum and talked with the kids about what we were looking at. It was a really fun day, and I think that all of the children got a lot out of it!

Last night was Open House at Macy school and we got to see all of the work that Gavin has been doing. The focus for the last few months has been on science; frogs, toads and plants in particular. It was fun to have him show us around his classroom. We also visited the 2nd grade classrooms to check out what is in store for next year!

We had visitors last night too! Our friends, Rachel and Mike were in town for Whittier College graduation and they came by to show off their 10 week old baby, Izzy. She is a bundle of cuddly, cooing joy and it was delightful to get to hold her. Izzy talked to me and told me all about her exciting life and her big sister, then she got a little fussy and after she ate, she crashed out on Andy's chest. He really is magical with babies. I am now saying, "Let's have another" and he is saying, "No". We keep going back and forth...but niether of us has been in the "yes" camp at the same time (this is most likely, a blessing). Rachel is the incoming Alumni Board President, so she had some "official" business to do Thursday night and Friday morning. It was so great to see them and re-connect. I really do wish that we had more time to cultivate our friendships...

Tonight will be a family night with a treasure hunt and a movie complete with popcorn and candy. A perfect night when the weather has decided to get cold and rainy. Off to enjoy....


Rebecca said...

There's a tab on the upper right hand corner when you are composing a post and you were likely in the "Edit HTML" mode rather than "Compose" mode. Probably just accidentely clicked it...this happened to me and I as bewildered for a little while.

We are just as busy as you and I've been removing things from the calendar because I was starting to get too stressed out. Good luck with all your activities and decisions.

Christine said...

I have a first- soon to be second grader as well. (and a few others- she is the oldest of 4) Your life sounds reminicent of my own.

Gina said...

You got to visit with Rachel and family--I'm jealous! And you didn't even post photos of little Izzy. :-( I didn't know Rachel was going to be Alumni President--how cool!

Yvonne said...

Silly Gina... who do you think that lil baby is? It IS Izzy! I could not get a very good shot, because she was nursing and then sacked out with her face in Andy's armpit!

Yvonne said...

Oh... Rebecca! Thank you for your blogging knowledge! That is exactally what it was! Yipee!