
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A tale of two cakes, a boy and a mouse.

So my baby boy turned 8! Last Friday, March 6th marked the 8 year anniversary of the start of my adventures in Mommy-ing. This has been the most challenging journey of my life and some days are filled with joy while others make me want to pack it up and head to a Hilton! I am so grateful for my family and the opportunity to grow with them.

Gavin had very specific ideas about his birthday this year, and I let him run with it. He started his day with a school assembly where he was recognized for his entry in the Reflections program at school. It is an arts program and Gavin had entered two photographs, even though he didn't win he was very proud of his "vision" and had a great time at the assembly.

After school I met Gavin and a couple of his friends and we headed off to Chuck E. Cheese. This was the easiest birthday party EVER and we all had a great time! We took 4 of his friends and so we had 6 kids all together. Andy's parents and grandma joined us and were a great help. After 2 hours of pizza eating, token spending and ticket collecting, we headed back to our place for the ice cream cake that Gavin ordered himself from Baskin-Robbins. A few gifts later the kids played for half an hour and then headed home! Gavin ended his day cuddled up with me in his bed, that is what he asked me to give him for his birthday! So sweet!

We had a family birthday dinner with Andy's parents and my mom and step-dad on Sunday. Gavin wanted Panda Express and I made him a surprise birthday cake. I had intended on making this cake for the night we went to Chuck E. Cheese, but he really wanted the ice cream cake that night. So, we had Chinese food for dinner and "pizza" for dessert.

It was a great weekend and a we have had a great 8 years with this kid. I look forward to many, many more birthday celebrations.


Gina said...

What a sweet request he made of you. :-) The cake looks great! What did you use to make the mushrooms?

Rae Rice said...

I love the cake!!!! Please tell me how you made the topping. By the way...Congrats on making it to 8 years. I can't believe he is that old!

Yvonne said...

Just to clarify.. pretty much none of that cake was an original idea..I searched the net and came up with several ideas and put them all together. I baked one cake mix in a 12 inch pan and then spread the top with white frosting. I melted some seedless jam in a pan and added some red food color, let that cool a bit and then spread that on top of the frosting. Then I (should have) put the cake in fridge for an hour so that the frosting and jam would firm up. The pepperoni were made in a mini muffin pan by placing one red candy melt and two chocolate chips in the bottom of the greased cup. I put that under the broiler for 1 minute, stirred with a coffee stirrer and then froze in the freezer. They pretty much popped out. The cheese is grated white chocolate. I put that on top of the "sauce" and put it under the broiler for about 3 minutes so that it would melt-ish. Then the toppings went on. I really wanted to make onions out of rolled out gum drops but there were no gum drops to be found in my market... The mushrooms were made by rolling a marshmallow in cocoa powder mixed with powdered sugar and then cutting them out with scissors. The pepper could have been made with gum drops too, but I piped on green icing. It was fun and delicious. Easy to do, but a little time consuming to make the toppings.
*note... I did not let the frosting and jam set up long enough and when we put it under the broiler, it melted and ran. That is why there is only a picture of the cake from an angle and not from the top.

Unknown said...

That cake is AMAZING! You are so creative!