Ugh...time flies when you are having, um.. what is it I'm having again? Oh yeah... FUN!!!!!!!!!!!
Busy 'round here, to say the least!
Gavin's 1st day of 1st grade was a hit! He got the teacher that he wanted (like he has ANY idea of what ANY of the teachers are like) and he gets to sit next to a girl that he knew from his class
last year! He was very brave, even though I know that he was nervous and he got right to work!
His second day, today... he manged to land himself a red card. Yes, already. (Red is past yellow which is past the teacher just telling you to knock it off) He was talking in class.. go figure.. hey, it's genetic.. we can't HELP it. Why can't it just be labeled as some kind of disorder like everything else and then we would not only NOT get in trouble for it, but be excused and maybe even get some kind of government assistance and automatically accepted to the college of our choice. Well, I understand my son's pain... We talked tonight about following the rules and trying really hard to control the talking. We'll see!
I will write more about my vacation, I just did not have the time today! (or yesterday for that matter!) Today, I walked Gavin to school, with Ella on her little trike and the dog yanking us along. Ella and I ran errands for 3 HOURS...yeah Walmart and the grocery store and a bunch of other STUFF. I thought that I would have a solid 2 hours to work on paying bills... WRONG! Ellie did NOT nap and after cleaning up a "bad potty accident" (I won't go into details) I spent the 2 hours jumping up from my work every 2 seconds to help her with some toy, or the dog or to pick her up because the floor jumped up and bit her. (Tired Ella is VERY whiny and prone to falling down) Picked up Gavin, folded laundry, finished the calendar, picked up toys, made dinner, activity time with Ella, Gavin to piano, stories, and bed time for the kids. FINALLY I got to the bills, at 9:00! Andy helped me... THANK THE LORD! He is REALLY good at pushing "make payments" on the online bill pay screen! I swear that I need a full week off of work just to go through all of my paperwork and get it all together!
I have been trying to catch up on a couple of Blogs, namely Andy's cousin's. Scott is riding across the country on a "recumbant"(?) bike. Hope that I got that right! It is pretty cool checking out his adventure and he is a great writer. I have also been reading the blog entitled "Because I said So"... the gal who had an ebay auction for some Pokemon cards? She is hysterical. If I wasn't so tired and my eyes weren't glazed over, I would try to figure out how to put links to these. I want to add that listy thing to my page, but have not bothered to try it yet.
p.s. does anyone know how to delete a photo if you decide that you don't want it in there?
I just shrank them until they are soooooo tiny......
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