
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ommmmmmmm... breath...... Ommmmmm

The noise is getting to me. My head is buzzing from this constant humming. It is like when you stay in a hotel and the wall a/c unit is just blowing....
We had dinner with the in-laws again and got clean and shiny before coming home. Thank goodness that they are just a few blocks away. I have thought about the hotel, if even just to escape to, but... the kids would just be crazy there. Besides the fact that there are literally NO hotels around here! I would have to drive at least 15 minutes but more like 30 to get to a decent one, and that....is a pain in my patooty! We have eaten out a couple of meals and will be reimbursed for those too, but we don't want to "abuse" the system.

Today, the kids had the neighbor kids over for most of the day and they all played outside and had a great time! I made the menu (?) and a grocery list and realized that if the washing machine was going to be moved on Monday, I had better do ALL of the laundry TODAY. This included several extra loads of warm weather clothing pulled out of storage (it has been in the 80's here) and some bedding too. I can't see my couch or coffee table now, they are buried in clean folded laundry!

Andy got the room painted and it looks GREAT!!! We just have to put in new outlets and covers and get the ceiling fan changed out! The carpet goes in tomorrow and the bed should come soon! I am really excited about getting this project done...we are into the fun part now, decorating and moving him in! NEXT I get to obsess about Ella's room and what to do in there! I also took on a third job :1.the church, 2. cleaning the gym, 3. babysitting. Yup! I had a friend approach me and ask for a friend of hers! Twin girls that are in first grade at Gavin's school need to be watched for about a half hour a day, three days a week. It will be some extra money and might be just the motivation we need around here in the morning! I will meet the girls on Wednesday and they will start coming next week.

It looks like our date is still on for tomorrow and I am really glad... Andy and I soooooo need some time together. It has been so rough around here for the past six months and we need the time to re-group and remember that we are a team. I am glad that we are going to hike, it is more like something we would have done before kids. We never really went to movies and dinner much when we were dating, I don't know why that has been our fall back date. I guess because it is easy when you are tired. We are going to try for day trips more often, that is so much more "us". Besides, it's a little bit easier to get a babysitter... and ... it doesn't make bedtime strange for the kids.

This week will be one full of newness and some challenges, but I am feeling better about taking them on. Today was actually one of the most relaxing that I have had in quite some time. I just worked on what needed to be worked on and didn't really think much beyond that. I do have to start organizing my scrapbooking stuff for this coming weekend, but I will carve out time for that on Thursday. I am worried about all of the work that needs to be done at the office and how much time I have missed already this month but, so long as I can get in and put in some solid hours this week, I should be fine. We have decided not to go to Family Camp at the end of the month and although I am sad, I am mostly relieved. It is one less thing to plan, pack for and spend money on. We might start work on Ella's room that weekend!

I will remember to breath and take some time outs and know that this will be over, before I know it and I will have some beautiful rooms to show for it!

1 comment:

Gina said...

Sounds like you're making great progress already. :-) Remember to post pictures of Gavin's room when it's done--I'd love to see it!