
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Enjoying Summer

Now that the first full month of my summer vacation is almost over, I really feel like I am "into" it! (Especially since the sun decided to come out for two whole days in a row! Very strange to have had such cloudy and cold weather for so long!) We did our traditional weekend in Chula Vista and had a great time. It was really relaxing! The kids are getting easier every year and Andy and I are loving the time spent with them.

The kids went to Broadoaks Science Academy for the first two weeks of summer while I was still working. It was really cool to be on the same campus, but I am even firmer in my belief that it is good for us to be at different schools. Gavin took tennis lessons (and even walked across the college campus by himself to come to academy! Wow! What a big kid!) and the kids had swim lessons at a new pool this year. They learned a lot and had fun (except for the first week that was super cold). We did the summer reading program, went to the Farmer's Market, saw a free movie, went bowling, had the a/c fan replaced, did some home repairs, attended a birthday party, went to a baseball game, hung out with the Arizona Huffakers, swam in the pool, went to the Santa Ana Discovery Center and played at Jumpin' Jammin'. Whew!

I also worked with each kid to do a full room clean out! Each one took two days and from each bedroom we got two bags of trash and one big bag for our next yard sale. Whew! Clean and organized! Not the most fun you can have ... but needed nonetheless! I have also cleaned out several closets and the vacuum cleaner.. gross.

Last weekend Ella performed in her first real dance recital! She was in "Little Miss Muffet" and did a GREAT job. She has proclaimed that she wants to dance forever and Gavin is insisting on signing up for the hip hop class that the studio offers!

This week the kids have been back at Science Academy for dissection week and have looked at brains, hearts, lungs and eyeballs! Strange that Gavin's class is also doing Cooking Academy this week... kind of gross, really! They are also working on acts for the Talent Show! I am home alone and have found time to shop and relax and clean and SCRAPBOOK! I was hoping to "catch up" on Ella's book, but I am still terribly behind. I have had a nice time, but it is getting a bit lonely.
Not to worry, I will not be lonely tomorrow and Saturday when I have a class! Yup... back to school! Just for two days though! I am going to a "Step Up To Writing" class that the rest of my teaching team will also be attending. It will be fun, but feels a bit intrusive during my time of relaxation!

This weekend we will head out for our vacation! Andy is finally going to be done with work for the summer and we are headed north! Pismo, Monterey, Santa Cruz.... and then way down south to San Diego! Can't wait, but should probably get back to the laundry so that we all have clean clothes to wear!


Gina said...

Sounds like a summer jam packed with fun! Enjoy what's left before school starts. :-)

Darci said...

OMG! Could you be anymore busy during vacation time. You poop me out just reading what you guys do. Enjoy!