
Sunday, November 9, 2008


I got my haircut a few weeks ago and I asked my stylist to pretty much leave it just the way it was, but trim it a LITTLE bit and do something to get rid of the grey! It was getting really noticeable and making my hair look even ashier than usual! I told her that I would come back to have the front re-trimmed after my birthday party, but for now it was mostly perfect.

Well, she highlighted it and that came out great and she trimmed it and then, she worked on someone else, came back to me and started hacking away! It was as if she had completely forgotten what I had said and that she had already trimmed my hair and all I was waiting for was to be styled! She then handed me over to a young gal (that makes ME sound OLD) who blew my hair so straight I felt like a cousin to the Scarecrow! I left upset and hating my hair. After spending the amount of money that I did, I expected to be accosted by someone dying to have me as a hair model!

It was o.k. for the party and now, 2 weeks later, it is fine. Lesson learned... always allow 2 weeks between haircut and event! I also ALWAYS hate the way they style my hair! They blow it out and then put it all in my face. I have straight hair...it does NOT need to be straighter, AND I have a tiny face and when you hide most of it with hair...it makes my nose look big! (silly?) I also think that my my hair being straight makes my head look even smaller, which, in turn, makes my butt look big... but that is probably a whole other show! So, here is my hair! What do you think?

First pic... flat, ugh!

Second pic... after I tried to floof (yes... that is a real world in my book) it up a bit.

Third pic...tonight, 2 weeks later

(I took the first two myself and the angle is all wierd and Andy took the third one, so it is better)


Rebecca said...

I agree, you look better with the floof! In two weeks you look great, but the second photo with the added floof looks good to me too! I'm the opposite. I have a very round face and am always trying to straighten mine to make it look thinner.

Unknown said...

I like picture 2 and 3. It is a good haircut. I have always enjoyed being darning with my hair. It always grows back!

Gina said...

Floofy is better! :-)

Micaela said...

I like the floof...you look great!