
Monday, September 21, 2009


Well.. looks like you don't get to hear all about my fabulous vacation or see the amazing pictures. I don't have time...

Also appears that you won't hear all of the jucy details about how I got my new job.
I don't have time....

You also won't get to hear all about my 4 day trip to Vegas with just Andy... I will say it was GREAT... other than that,
I don't have time...

No time for a haircut, mani, pedi...
No time to bake cookies, walk Gavin to school or volunteer...
No time to watch tv, clean house, or do laundry....

But life is still good and amazing and tonight I made time to read to Ella and have dinner with Gavin, and to let you all know that I would love to share more about all of the wonderful things going on in my life.
I just don't have time...


Micaela said...

It's great that so many exciting things are happening in your life, I'm sorry that you won't have time to share more but that's understandable. Hopefully the time finds you again soon. :)

Gina said...

Time seems to elude many of us these days. I share Mica's sentiments--may more time find you soon!