
Monday, August 31, 2009

Ch - Ch - Ch - Changes....

About a million things seem to have happened since my last post and life is no longer in the "chillax" mode. We are on high speed and gearing up for a new school year. The short story is that vacation was awesome, visit from New York Aunt was fun, I registered for classes, was offered a position at Broadoaks school, accepted position, dropped classes, changed all plans for school year, re-registered for classes and resigned from job at church. Oh.. also, we started soccer and registered the kids for piano and Ella for dance.

Today and tomorrow we are going to squeeze the last little bit out of summer by heading to Splash! (our local water park) and San Clemente with family the next day. Andy and I both start work on Wednesday and I think that we have emergency child care (almost) sorted out for the next two weeks until they start school.

I will post about vacation and the job... AND about my fabulous new shoes as soon as I have a spare second. Tonight I have to take my CPR class but maybe tomorrow?


Andrea said...

Congratulations on the new job! That is just perfect! What a great place to work. Good luck in your first week!

Rae Rice said...

I still love you even though I haven't called. The relaxation of summer came to a screeching halt in my house and now I feel like I am moving at the speed of light!!!!