
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer wanning

Well, I had about a week and a half off, not worrying about anything.. just relaxing and having fun.....
that seemed to come to a screeching halt today... when I registered for classes for the fall. I realized that I had so much work to do, things that I had fallen behind on during the summer and now, school is going to start. I freaked out a little, figured out the calendar, secured babysitters for next week when Andy and I both have to work, but the kids are not yet back in school, made dinner and then... got calmed down again. I am going to take 9 units, so it is going to be a full load for me...but I figured if I could survive 9 units in 6 weeks, I can surely do it in 14 weeks, right? I'll keep you posted!

Today, Ella and I spent some time together ... we went to Color Me Mine and she painted a little ceramic puppy dog. She was so cute, and I forgot the camera! We then went to the used book store, uptown and read and browsed and bought a few books. She went with me to school to register and just played and was so good (It only took me about a half an hour).

Tonight, Gavin is having his first sleep over with friends (vs. family... which he has done before). He is next door and it helps that I can hear them through the open windows. I don't know if he will actually sleep there, we will see... I really do expect a knock on the door around 11:00 p.m. But he does play over there, all the time and likes it there, so maybe he will be just fine. We are taking advantage of the time alone with Ella to play a board game or two and have some story time together. Later, we might watch some Olympics... or I might read.

I don't really know how I will get done all of the "stuff" that I need to take care of, but I guess I will just have to keep prioritizing and plugging away at it all, one thing at a time. Having this time off from work really makes me wish that I could quit. I am just "over it"... I don't really like it anymore...I feel like I just go to get a paycheck and that isn't my style. But, we need that paycheck...It would make school so much more "do-able" though... hmmmmmmmmm

I am rambling... so, I am signing off for the night.... off to enjoy some more vacation time...
tomorrow we will swim and see dinosaurs and Friday we will board Noah's Ark.... it is almost over and as with any vacation, it was not long enough!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

You always have such fun one on one dates with the kids. I need to do better at that. I have never been to color me mine. I'll have to try it sometime.